November 14th is World Diabetes Day. It is held each year. It is a time to raise awareness about diabetes and also to continue to seek a cure for it. Diabetes comes in two forms: Juvenile (Type 1) and Adult Onset (Type 2).
If you or a family member suffers from diabetes, it’s important to keep dental health as a top priority because it can cause harm to your mouth and teeth as well. Diabetes puts you at special risk for gum disease (periodontal disease). This disease is an infection of your gums and bones that anchor your teeth in place. If left unchecked and untreated, gum disease can cause painful chewing and even tooth loss. Symptoms of undetected diabetes can cause tenderness, infection, ulcers, and tooth decay. If you smoke, all of these symptoms will be much worse.
By maintaining proper daily habits of brushing and flossing, and by monitoring good blood glucose control you can defend against oral complication of your diabetes. Ensuring that you are regularly seeing an expert and caring dentist such as Dr. Jacob Allen will also help prevent complications related to your diabetes. Be sure to let Dr. Allen and his staff know that you have diabetes.
During your checkups and cleanings, Dr. Allen will inspect your mouth and teeth for any damage that may have occurred due to your diabetes. He will perform a comprehensive dental exam, and discuss any further treatments or actions that need to be taken to ensure your dental health is in top shape for a bright smile!
Call and book your dental appointment at Lufkin Family Dental today.